NZ Inc. Entrepreneurs Firing with America’s Cup

The New Zealand global business community is firing over the America’s cup with several hundred kiwi entrepreneurs and expats connecting around an event of world class New Zealand. With entrepreneurial leaders like Rod Drury with 90 US staff growing to 300, expat Gower Smith with 120 staff and Moa Beer enjoying huge growth in the area over the last 3 months as well as selling roughly 8000x drinks on race days across the two Kiwi venues on Pier 29.

There’s something much bigger than a bunch of companies trying to make money, this is in NZ Inc. It’s a live community of kiwi entrepreneurs and businesses making things happen on their own and collectively.

Kiwi entrepreneurs and expats are everywhere around the America’s cup, it’s an amazing mix of social, networking, and global leadership that makes an electric entrepreneurial environment where connections and ideas are forged as the fabric of NZ Inc. get’s stronger every step towards more NZ global success.

Kiwi Business is right at home in San Francisco and using the America’s cup to connect the kiwi community, connect customers and grow with leadership in innovation on the water and off, from Sails to Sales.

Kiwi and Kiwi expat entrepreneurs and businesses love doing business in San Francisco and growing onto the rest of the US from here, because it’s a progressive and responsive city with not just amazing talent, but engaged customers who enjoy trying new things and tend to have a belief that the next great products and businesses will come from around them in San Fran. So if you’re a kiwi founded business, and you’re in San Fran, you’re doing smart business.

This is where New Zealand and our government is able to realise more of our investment into a global event happening in the innovation business capital of the world. New Zealand entrepreneurs and businesses leverage the business innovation hot spot and gateway city to the biggest market in the world, along with New Zealand’s success in sailing and innovation & design leadership in the water.

Now That’s a Brand.
New Zealander









