Massey University – Big Issues in Business – Harald Van Heerde

Marketing is so pervasive these days people hardly notice it is all around them

Marketing is so pervasive these days people hardly notice it is all around them. But while billions of dollars are spent each year on activities such as advertising and branding, almost no one knows if that money reaps big rewards or is simply waste. In this video, Massey University Research Professor of Marketing Harald van Heerde will discuss how multimillion-dollar decisions are often based on gut feeling rather than scientific assessment, along with what can be done to ensure better results from such large financial investments.

The reality of our business world is constantly shifting. Global events are unpredictable and their impact is felt ever more quickly. New Zealand businesses need to be increasingly nimble and relevant to be competitive. Gaining good market intelligence, quickly, is a key part of ensuring that you are staying at the top of your game.

Massey University brings international and local business experts to you, in a video series called ‘Big Issues in Business’.

Thanks to 90 Seconds for the production of these videos.

シリーズ動画制作 ニュージーランド Massey University


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